Monday, September 19, 2016

Joy is in the jorney + benefits of planning 'por las dudas'

Day 1: (which was officially Saturday, Sept 17)


Starting at 4:30 am and at the airport before the masses or sun arrived. Gave me plenty of time to mess around and pose for this selfie of me and my baby full of exciting adventures.

On the plane I got to dig in deeper into harry potter !en espanol! -- great practice book t get me back into the swing of things while visiting old friends and giving all these English ppl Spanish accents.

Beautiful aerial views of the Guatemala countryside ! So many mountains beckoning to be hiked!

The commandments of toilet paper use!! By my honor I will obey!

Delightful little hotel near the airport where I'm resting overnight old world travel style, and from where I'll head out for a bus to take me the final 4 hours to Quetzaltenango -- henceforth will be shortened down to Xela, pronounced "Sheh-la"

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